Does obesity cause infertility in males and females?

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  • Does obesity cause infertility in males and females?

Obesity is a word that is often taken lightly. But it has indeed become a global crisis. According to the World Health Organization definition – “Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese. The issue has grown to epidemic proportions, with over 4 million people dying each year as a result of being overweight or obese in 2017 according to the global burden of disease.”

Obesity interferes with bodily functions and activities. It hinders the proper functioning of hormones in both males and females leading to sexual dysfunctions and quality egg and sperm production- leading to infertility. To understand the relationship between obesity and infertility, let’s delve deeper into the topic.

Infertility at a glance!
Infertility is very common among couples who are trying to conceive. In India, around 15% of couples face this issue. Even if you are a single man or woman, Infertility can be worrisome for you. In India, the prevalence of primary Infertility in women is about 40-50% and in men around 30-40% and is constantly shooting up in males. Here are some facts:

  • One out of every six couples (especially in urban areas) suffers from infertility.
  • In 50% of these cases, the reason is male infertility.
  • 8.8% of women in India experience infertility- out of which 6.7% women have experienced primary infertility (not gotten pregnant after at least one year of trying through normal conception methods without any birth control), and 2.1% have experienced secondary infertility (can get pregnant once but not now)

Obesity and Infertility in females:
Here are some major issues obese women face that causes infertility:

  • Obesity changes the way a woman’s body regulates and stores sex hormones
  • Leads to menstrual dysfunctions – irregular menses
  • Can lead to anovulation (that is inability to produce eggs)
  • Stress

Obesity and Infertility in males:
Here are some major issues obese men face that causes infertility:

  • Fat cells can convert a male hormone into female hormone- that is androstenedione into estrone.
  • It can increase the body temperature around the scrotum.
  • It can affect the sperm count and sperm motility (that is sperm movement).
  • It also adversely impacts sperm concentration.

Sometimes the road to a fertile life in both men and women start with losing extra pounds- that also helps in reducing already existing comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes. At the same time also reduces Cardiovascular risk factors and breathing issues. Although losing weight looks like a simple practice- sometimes an obese person- despite putting tremendous efforts fails to lose weight. In such a case there is not any need to lose heart. Bariatric surgery along with a few healthy lifestyle changes gives fruitful results!

Treatment for obesity:
Bariatric surgery is an innovation in robotics and bariatrics that alters the digestive system to promote weight loss. A BMI above 30 and BMI 25 with the prevalence of type 2 diabetes are considered conditions of obesity that potentially requires bariatric surgery as a long-term solution in both adults and children.

Bariatric surgery restricts the amount of food the stomach can hold by different bariatric procedures. This causes malabsorption of nutrients or both malabsorption and gastric restriction. Most of the procedures are done by minimally invasive technique (laparoscopic procedures).

In simple words, bariatric surgery is done to shed off excess weight baggage from the body and to reduce the risk of potential obesity-associated life-threatening diseases. The most common bariatric surgery procedures include- sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, adjustable gastric band, duodenal switch and biliopancreatic diversion. To know more, call us on- 6232012342 and meet an expert now!