Obesity Health Risks: Things you must know

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  • Obesity Health Risks: Things you must know

An obese person is prone to several health risks, including diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and many others. Obesity has become a widespread concern these days, not only in older people but in children too. The problem is that obesity doesn’t come as a single health issue; it takes multiple health hazards along with it. If you are obese, you will experience difficulty in walking, asthma, lack of self-confidence, psychological disorders and what not… The list is long.

Some common health risks that come complimentary with obesity are-

Osteoarthritis– It is one of the most common concerns that obese people face, which causes stiffness in their joints, making it difficult to move around. Excess weight exerts pressure on your knees, causing them to wear away.

High Blood Pressure– High blood pressure develops in overweight or obese person as a large body size forces your heart to pump harder to supply enough blood to all the cells. Excess fat may also cause damage to your kidneys, which are responsible for regulating blood pressure.

Type-2 Diabetes– It is the most common type of diabetes in which blood sugar levels are above normal. Genes and family history plays a major role in type-2 disease. And it needs medications for a lifetime if not addressed at an early stage.

Sleep Apnea– An obese or overweight person has excess fat stored around his/her neck area. This extra fat makes the airway smaller and causes difficulty in breathing while a person is asleep. A small airway can make breathing loud and sometimes stop altogether for a short span of time.

Kidney Disease and Kidney Failure– Obesity increases the risk of diabetes and high BP, which, in turn, causes chronic kidney diseases and its failure. In fact, studies suggest that obesity alone can cause the kidneys to damage and hinder their basic functioning.

Stroke– A stroke is a condition in which the blood flow to your brain suddenly stops, causing the brain cells to die. And high BP is the leading cause of stroke; eventually, obesity causes high pressure on your heart and thereby brain.

Heart Diseases– The risk of developing heart diseases is high in the case of obese people. High cholesterol and excess weight exert pressure on your heart, thereby making it narrow and hinder its functioning.

Pregnancy Issues– Obese women are more likely to experience complications and health problems for both baby and the mother. An obese pregnant woman has an increased chance of developing gestational diabetes and may take longer to recover after delivering a baby.

To lower the risk of developing diseases related to obesity, you should

Try to lose weight, just by losing 5 percent of your excess body weight lowers the risk of developing type-2 diabetes, and heart diseases. Stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle to retain weight loss. However, if exercise and diet don’t seem to work for your body weight, bariatric surgery is the best option in which your stomach size is reduced so that you eat less and feel full in less time.

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