Safe Weight Loss for Overweight Kids

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  • Safe Weight Loss for Overweight Kids

If you have an overweight or obese child, you might want to help him in getting healthy and get in shape. But if you’re trying those weight loss tips which are meant for adults, you’re doing wrong. They might not work for your kid. “Children have their own set of nutritional needs for healthy growth and development,” Then what is the best way for weight loss? Well, there is no such best way out, but you can follow these simple and safe weight loss tips to help your child and eventually, the whole family to live a healthier and fitter lifestyle.

Say no to supplements and diets
You may think of putting your child on a diet, but unless your pediatrician recommends it, you should not go for diets and supplements. Avoid major calorie-cutting diets for your child. At a growing age, nutrients and calories are needed to grow, and if we cut them from our children’s diet, we are ultimately hampering their growth. On the other hand, supplements and pills are not safe for your child. They do not guarantee weight loss either.

Make it a family task
Instead of giving the attention only to your child, try to have the whole family on board. Sit and make discussions about what healthy lifestyle changes can be made for the entire family. It’s been wisely said that— kids learn their habits from parents. Children are more likely to follow those weight loss tips which their parents are following.

Start small
Start by making small changes in diet and lifestyle. This way, it will become a routine, and it’s easier to accept small changes in life rather than big ones. Small changes like-

  • Give your child low-fat milk or fewer sugar drinks instead of juice or soda.
  • Make a healthy breakfast for the whole family and make sure everybody sits and enjoys it together. A morning meal loaded with proteins and multi-grains, helps in feeling full so that you don’t overeat in the rest of the meals.
  • Avoid having junk or eating at restaurants for more than once a week.
  • Downsize your tableware as larger plates and bowls encourage you to eat more.

Eat more fruits and vegetables
Include fruits and vegetables in your family’s diet. 2-3 cups of vegetables and a minimum of 2 cups of fruits are recommended for a healthy living. You can have a fresh fruit blended smoothie for breakfast or a veggie sandwich in lunch. Always have a lot of fruits and vegetables at your disposal so that anytime hunger strikes, you will have access to healthy options.

For childhood weight loss consultation, call on- 6232012342