Can you get Pregnant after Bariatric Surgery?

To understand the relationship between bariatric surgery and pregnancy, it is essential to know about bariatric surgery, its potential impact on a future pregnancy, its long-term goals, and its benefits. Most of the women who have gone for bariatric surgery under careful supervision and meaningful counselling- have seen successful pregnancy rates. In all, pregnancy after bariatric surgery is safe, and fertility improves. Research suggests that weight loss before pregnancy can reduce obesity-related issues in the woman and the baby, like:

  • Blood pressure problems
  • Cesarean Delivery
  • Gestational Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Postpartum Hemorrhage
  • Newborn who are overweight for their gestational ages
  • Improving metabolic disorders
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Infertility

How does Bariatric Surgery and Pregnancy go hand in hand?

Around 23% of the women in India are obese. Globally, about 83% of women go for bariatric surgery in reproductive age (18-45 years), according to a 2005 data report. Out of these, 30% of the women planning to go for bariatric surgery considers future pregnancy necessary. Clearly, obesity is an issue that has a widespread prevalence. And pregnancy is something that concerns most women at that age.

Since bariatric surgery helps in significant weight loss and normalizes BMI, it directly reduces the chances of obesity-related co-morbidities such as infertility, which is also the principal cause of pregnancy issues. The most significant weight loss happens 12-18 months post-surgery; that’s why the best time to plan conception will be after this period. To sum up, there are near to no adverse pregnancy hazards seen due to bariatric surgery.

Though one can make significant lifestyle changes, exercise, and follow an apt healthy diet that can reduce weight, it might not be a long-term solution despite determined efforts. And without a long-term impact on weight, it is tough to experience a healthy pregnancy. That’s why bariatric surgery, along with lifestyle changes, can be your potential solution.

To know more about bariatric surgery and pregnancy, you can talk to an expert at- 6232012342