3 Common Mistakes people do on their Journey to Weight Loss

Losing weight in the right way is challenging.

Sometimes, you may feel like you are going on the right path, doing everything right – but still not getting results.

You may be causing a disturbance in your weight loss journey by committing 3 most common mistakes and following outdated advice.

Extreme Diet1. Extreme Diet
If you want to maintain a healthy weight permanently, you need to stick to a healthy diet and lifestyle forever. Extreme diets do not comply with this principle. These type of diets involve cutting down on an entire food group, and calorie restrictions to take those extra pounds miraculously shed off. Extreme diets focus on sacrificing your good health in return for a temporary weight loss. While following a harsh diet rule, a person sheds much weight initially to gain it back later on.

Instead of following extreme diets which has a danger of weight gain, we recommend taking a healthy diet for a lifetime. It’s comparatively slow, but a more beneficial and sustainable weight loss strategy that doesn’t have any side effects.

2. Extreme Workout Extreme Workout
Some people go for extreme workout plans so that they can lose weight faster. Challenging your limits is the key to good results in exercise but over challenge isn’t. People stretch themselves beyond their capacity and ultimately cause an injury. Over workout can also result in energy imbalance. If you are at an energy deficit for an extended period, it can cause health issues.

Too much workout can lead to extreme energy loss, hormonal imbalances and injuries. Some of the side effects of over-exercising include increased heart rate, dehydration, sleep disturbances, and increased stress.

Lose Motivation3. Lose Motivation
For some people, it’s hard to stay motivated throughout their journey of weight loss. You may start working out and taking a strict diet after your doctor tells you to do so, but motivation comes from within. Losing motivation in between your journey towards weight loss is very common. On the other hand, having unrealistic weight loss goals makes it hard to stay motivated and keep going. Set goals which are real and can be achieved easily.

Apart from the mistakes that you do while following a strict diet and workout plan, there are still very few chances of losing weight in the long run. If you are an obese or overweighted person, losing weight just by maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not enough, you need more! Bariatric Surgery is your biggest rescue whenever it comes to losing weight permanently with no side effects. Every year lakhs of people undergo bariatric surgery and feel confident and healthy after it.

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