Know these FAQs about Diabetes and Obesity

You may have heard about the mutual connection between Diabetes and Obesity. Here are some commonly asked questions about obesity and its relationship with diabetes. Let’s begin with the basics:

What is Diabetes type 2?

Diabetes type 2 is discord in how your body processes blood sugar. This results in too much blood sugar circulating in your bloodstream. Your body creates insulin resistance which leads to increased blood sugar.

What is Obesity?

Obesity is a condition in which your body fat is more than what your body proportion should have. A body mass index of more than 25 indicates obesity. Being obese puts you at risk of co-morbidities such as type 2 diabetes.

How are obesity and diabetes related?
Obesity induces insulin resistance which puts your body at risk of type 2 diabetes. Excess body mass means your body needs to put extra effort into running its functions. This imbalance in your body leads to diabetes and many other disorders.

How common is this combination?
A study showed that almost 80-86% of people suffering from obesity have diabetes as well. Insulin imbalance is quite familiar with obesity which is the reason behind type 2 diabetes. The pancreas maintains insulin balance, bringing your weight back to normal can help.

What is the solution to obesity?

Depending upon the stage of your obesity, an efficient diet and workout paired with bariatric surgery can help you. Reach out to an expert for treatment as per your specific case. You always have hope. A well-planned approach can help you win over obesity.

What is the solution to diabetes?

The best way to bring back your health is to reduce your body weight to a healthy quotient. When your body weight is balanced, it improves your insulin levels, improving your diabetes and sometimes even reversing it. In short, to improve your diabetes, it is vital to reduce your weight.

We hope we have answered your queries and questions regarding bariatric surgery and obesity. If you have any more questions, contact us at +91 62320 12342.