Know the difference between Gastric Sleeve vs Gastric Bypass

Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass surgeries are the two most popular methods of Bariatric surgery. They both are highly successful procedures that take different approaches towards the same goal, weight loss. If you struggle with weight and thinking about getting Bariatric surgery, clarity is necessary.

Gastric Sleeve
In the Gastric Sleeve method, a part of the stomach is surgically removed, reducing the size of the stomach. The reduction in the stomach’s capacity helps reduce hunger and eases weight loss. The procedure is performed Laparoscopically with minimum invasion.

Gastric Bypass
This procedure is another way to weight loss. In gastric bypass surgery, the tummy is reshaped into a shorter pocket. The pocket is then detached from the central portion of your small intestine and reattached to the second part. The remaining bit of your tummy stays put as a separate pouch. This procedure helps food bypass a good amount of your digestive tract, reducing absorption.

The fundamental difference between the two procedures are

The approach: The approaches to both are pretty different. One works by reducing the portion size, and the other reduces absorption leading to weight loss.

Average weight loss: Although both the procedures are excellent for weight loss, Gastric Bypass helps lose a little more than Gastric Sleeve.

The similarities between both the procedures are

Intervention type: Both the surgeries are performed Laparoscopically.

Recovery time: The recovery time for both methods is 2 to 4 weeks.

Result: The result of both of them is weight loss, and both are highly successful procedures.

An expert can assess your case and advice whatever option is best for you. With Bariatric surgery, you can have a healthier, better and more transformed life.

Want to know if you are underweight, overweight or Obese? Click here to check your BMI free of cost

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