Obesity and PCOS: is there a connection?

There has been a longstanding debate on whether PCOS results in obesity or does obesity leads to PCOS. Various studies have been conducted to determine the correlation between the two. Although researchers have yet to conclude the connection between the two, there has been a conclusive result as to how both affect each other.

How PCOS might lead to Obesity?

PCOS is a result of increased secretion of androgen, a hormone that is dominant in males. Androgen determines the distribution of fats in the body. Due to increased androgen, there is more upper body fat concentration, which might result in Obesity. This was seen in a study that observed a higher prevalence of upper body obesity in women with PCOS.

The fact that PCOS also affects the ability of insulin to function normally, is the primary reason why PCOS patients tend to gain weight in the first place. This further creates a vicious cycle of obesity and PCOS feeding each other.

What studies point towards

Various studies have been conducted to determine the rate of prevalence of PCOS among obese women. It was found that those with a BMI of 35-40 have 12.4% more chances of contracting PCOS. Whereas, the women with BMI BMI > 40 have an 11.5% higher risk of PCOS.

Hence it should be given a serious thought, that not only an obese woman goes through severe physical and psychological strains, but also many symptoms that come by the virtue of PCOS. This includes unwanted hair growth, severe mood swings, depression, irregular periods, acne, hair loss, a problem in sleeping, an increased risk of breast cancer, and infertility.

Though the correlation between obesity and PCOS has not yet been confirmed. The scientists do point that environment and genetic variables when interact together might be considered as a probable cause of Obesity and PCOS exist together.

For the purpose of combating PCOS by achieving the desired weight loss, Bariatric Surgery is one treatment that can achieve both. It not only helps you in losing the extra weight but also ends the obesity-PCOS cycle that runs rampant among the patients of obesity. To know more contact Mohak Bariatrics and Robotics Centre at 6232012342