Simple tips to prevent obesity

Obesity is becoming a rampant problem in India. Studies show that over 5% of Indians are suffering from obesity. To tackle this very issue, the Indian govt. is promoting fitness initiatives such as Hum Fit Toh India Fit. This initiative has led citizens to adopt a healthier diet and engage in exercise. If you are concerned about your health and want to shave off the excess calories, here are some tips you could use to prevent obesity.

how to prevent obesity

Burn the calories you eat

Try to burn as many calories as possible after you consume food. This helps in preventing excess weight. Maintain a healthy balance between regular exercise and a healthy diet. Your body should be able to burn fat and lose excess weight. If your daily intake is around 1500 calories it is important to burn those 1500 calories, in order to lose weight. Maintaining your calorie intake and output will help maintain a healthy body and prevent obesity.

Do your diet right

Your diet is one of the vital things for your fight against obesity. Rather than consuming animal-based fats which are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, it is recommended to consume vegetable oils like soybean or canola oil, as vegetable oils contain less saturated fatty acids and no cholesterol. Opt for foods that are rich in fiber like dried beans and raw vegetables, as they help in maintaining a healthy gut system.

Track your BMI

For Indians, a Body Mass Index of 18-22.9 is ideal; 23-24.9 indicates overweight and anything above 25 implies obesity. Keep your weight in check and maintain it as per your height, to keep BMI within the ideal limit. This would go a long way in keeping obesity away.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Drinking a glass or two to relax after your hectic day is not that harmful, but consuming more than that every day can increase your odds to weight gain. Studies have shown that consuming alcohol inhibits the oxidation of fat in the body. Moderate consumption of alcohol does not interfere with your lifestyle, but excessive drinking can. Be careful and keep your weight in control.

Say no to refined foods

Refined foods like refined white sugar and refined white salt should be avoided. All refined foods should be consumed in a minimum quantity, as they are rich in simple carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the body and stored as fat. If you want to be benefitted for long-term weight management, avoid consuming refined foods.

Eat High-Fiber Foods

Intake of fiber in your diet may help prevent metabolic diseases such as obesity.It can absorb water and turns it into a gel, which slows down digestion. Some of the best sources of soluble fiber include oat bran, lentils, nuts, certain fruits and vegetables, and peas.