What are some of the Weight-Loss Surgery options available at Mohak Bariatrics & Robotics?

Mohak Bariatrics and Robotics center offers a variety of weight-loss surgery options including sleeve gastrectomy, mini gastric bypass, single incision lap sleeve, banded gastric bypass, diabetes surgery, duodenal jejunal bypass, and Roux-En-Y gastric bypass. After reviewing a patient’s medical history, and discussing the body goals he would like to achieve, the preferable weight-loss surgery is suggested to him.

Sleeve gastrectomy

Sleeve gastrectomy is a weight-loss surgery procedure which involves inserting small instruments with the help of incisions in the upper abdomen area. The process takes about an hour and requires five small incisions. It limits the size of your stomach by creating a small pouch using stapling devices. Limiting the size of your stomach and restricts the amount of food intake.

Mini gastric bypass

In this, the stomach is divided using staplers and most of the part is no longer attached to the esophagus and doesn’t receive the food. The new stomach is shaped like a small tube which is much smaller. The mini-gastric bypass works both by restricting the intake of food and also by causing malabsorption. It also alters the gut hormones involved in appetite control.

Single-incision lap sleeve

To minimize scars and recovery discomfort, single incision lap sleeve surgery is preferred. It requires a single insertion in the belly button. The complication rate is lower in this type of surgery option, and you can expect a shorter recovery time as compared to other methods.

Banded gastric bypass

In gastric banding surgery, laparoscopy is used to place an adjustable small ring around the upper portion of the stomach. After this procedure, the stomach can only hold one ounce of food and thus, helps in weight-loss.

Diabetes surgery

Type-2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes found in people, and the main reason behind this is obesity. The solution to prevent diabetes is weight-loss. There are various bariatric surgery procedures like mini gastric bypass, gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy which helps in remission of type-2 diabetes. They all are called Metabolic Surgeries.

Duodenal jejunal bypass

This surgery involves stomach-preserving bypass of a short segment of the proximal small intestine. It is done in order to prevent the interaction of food with enzymes and hormones to treat obesity. Dudenal jejunal procedure involves fewer restrictions and provides the highest levels of malabsorption.

Roux- En- Y Gastric Bypass

This surgery reduces the size of the stomach by creating a small pouch of approximately the size of an egg. This pouch is connected directly to the part of the small intestine called Roux limb. It restricts the amount of food you eat and the calories you intake by bypassing the food from the rest of your stomach and upper portion of it.

Mohak Bariatrics & Robotics, Indore is the best place to undergo obesity surgery to reduce weight and regain your health. Our highly-trained physicians are always at hand to give you any expert advice that you desire. For more information and consultation on Bariatric Surgery, call – 6232012342