Why is obesity more dangerous than smoking?

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  • Why is obesity more dangerous than smoking?

When we compare obesity and smoking, it is equivalent to comparing two bad apples with one another- both bad for your health and a longer life span. However, the rising concern on obesity and its aftermath do have a solid base in science. Gradually obesity is shaping into an epidemic claiming lives in many countries.

A recent study conducted in England and Scotland reveals that death due to excessive body fat and obesity are higher than the deaths caused by smoking. The study also backed the fact that due to lack of awareness about hazarding effects of obesity, the rates are going dangerously high on the graph, putting people at a higher risk of heart issues, cancer and much more life claiming ailments.

Obesity and Cancer
Obese individuals are at constant risk of deadly diseases, and cancer is one of them. Some common types of cancers are :

Breast and endometrial cancer
Excess fat in the body contributes to this condition. This extra fat can lead to excess secretion of estrogen, which later can result in breast cancer and endometrial cancer.

Oesophagal and gastrointestinal cancer
Obese patients are at a higher risk of developing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)- also known as heartburn. The gastroesophageal reflux disease may result in the development of oesophagal cancer.

Colon cancer
Obesity also poses the increasing threat of developing colon cancer due to unhealthy dietary habits.

Obesity and Heart risks
All the extra fat in the body contributes to vulnerability. The reason is added stress on the heart. All the added pounds cause the heart to pump faster than default to keep up with the extra weight, causing heart failure. This phenomenon puts obese patients at constant risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, plaque buildup in blood vessels and other cardiovascular conditions.

Obesity is a complicated disease that slowly sneaks in due to the combination of things such as genetics, a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits and so on. In most cases, cutting back calories, investing time in physical exercise and lifestyle changes will help in significantly reducing weight. However, if it does not work in some cases, other options such a Bariatric surgery or liposuction are available to aid you to lead a healthy life. However, surgery is not a cure-all solution for obesity and related diseases but combined with lifestyle changes. It will surely make a significant difference.

If you are someone struggling to shed those extra kilos and nothing seems to work for you, then it is time to discuss the issue with an expert. Speak to our experts at Mohak Bariatrics and Robotics to find a fitting solution that will help you lead a healthy lifestyle. Book an appointment now, call at +91 9165901900