Why do we gain weight in winter? How can we prevent weight gain?

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  • Why do we gain weight in winter? How can we prevent weight gain?

This can come as a surprise for you, but weight gain is a common problem in winters. The reason behind gaining weight in winters is a matter of curiosity for everyone. The factors that trigger weight gain in winters include lack of vitamin D and body temperature changes. You can take preventive measures to avoid getting obese in the winter season, but it is essential to know why we gain weight.

Eating Habits-
Due to the cold climate, differences in eating habits are seen. As the cool air strikes our body, we feel the urge to eat more as a reaction to that. Researches have shown that our eating capacity gets increased in winters, and we lead towards weight gain.

There is a blood sugar drop seen in people during winters, that forces them to eat more. Many people consume calories, fatty meals and junk before bedtime or dinner, eventually triggering weight gain.

Vitamin D-
According to a few pieces of research conducted on obesity and winters, lack of vitamin D triggers weight gain. There is an ample amount of sunlight in summers while in winters you barely see the sun rays.

Less Water Consumption-
It is a fact that water becomes unbelievably cold in winters, preventing us from drinking it. Low water consumption causes weight gain and also results in fatigue and carelessness.

Lack of Physical Activity-
One of the common reasons for weight gain is that we gain more energy than we spend. Most of us usually take a break from exercising in winters due to the cold & chilly weather.

How can we prevent weight gain in winters?

  • Take a balanced diet
  • Meet the daily water consumption needs
  • Protein foods instead of carbohydrates
  • Take fruits & vegetables enriched with vitamin C
  • Be more active
  • A full glass of water before your meals to curb the appetite

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