World Anti-Obesity Day: Fight Obesity with these amazing tips!

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  • World Anti-Obesity Day: Fight Obesity with these amazing tips!

Obesity has reached an alarming state and now became a trap in which most of India’s population is stuck. Recent studies have reported that globally, more than 1.9 billion adults are overweight, and 650 million are obese. Obesity has been transformed into a global pandemic state that has to be addressed as soon as possible. Obesity comes along with the risk of Cancer, Arthritis, Sleep Apnea, Hypertension, Type-2 Diabetes and many other diseases which can’t be ignored.

Hence it becomes vital to maintain a healthy weight and lead a healthier lifestyle as it not only keeps you away from deadly diseases but makes you feel good about your body. It is crucial for mango people to understand that an improved and healthy lifestyle can bring back energy and spark to your life.

So, on this World Anti Obesity day, we thought of giving you some excellent health tips that may prove effective in your journey to reshape yourself.

Make breakfast your morning motivation-
An empty stomach is the main reason for the heavy stomach. Breakfast is a move towards your healthy day as the first meal of the day will act as an energy booster for your body. Skipping the first meal of the day makes you hungry, which will only add to your fast food cravings.

Make a PLAN:
P- Physical Activity.
L- Lack of sleep should be avoided.
A- Avoid stress.
N- No overeating.

Let’s have a DRINK:
D- Dairy products of low fat.
R- Retain water.
I- Intake of green tea.
N- Non-sugary Drinks.
K- Keep yourself hydrated.

COMMIT to yourself:
C- Consumption of low-fat food.
O- Observation of your body.
M- Make a diet plan.
M- Meals should be specific.
I- Intake of greens.
T- Time for exercise.

CONTROL on self:
C- Consume fewer calories.
O- Oversleeping should be avoided.
N- No cheat meals.
T- Take time to chew every bite.
R- Reduce your sitting hours.
O- Overeating should not be an option.
L- Love yourself (no control on this).

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