How are Obesity and COVID-19 infection linked to?

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  • How are Obesity and COVID-19 infection linked to?

In the time when COVID-19 is spreading like a wildfire, people who are morbidly obese have greater chances of catching the infection. But what can be the reason behind this? Dr. Mohit Bhandari explains the reasons why obesity and corona virus are linked together-

In our body, there are fat cells called “Adipocytes”. There are multiple receptors present on these fat cells. One receptor called Angiotensin, is found the most in fatty cells. It is found that affinity of the virus present in COVID-19 is more towards angiotensin receptors, which is why we can see corona virus affecting obese people more.

Second reason is improper working of lungs in obese people. Breathing problem can be seen very commonly in obese patients due to which there are greater chances of developing Pneumonia.

There are two types of immunity. Innate immunity and Acquired immunity. In obese people, Innate and Acquired immunity both are less due to deposition of fat. And because of low immunity, fighting with any type of virus becomes seriously low in obese people.

If you are obese, over weight or morbidly obese, then take care of yourself the most because even in WHO, they have mentioned obese people to take great care of themselves as they have the highest chances of getting affected by it. For more consultation and suggestions, please call on- 6232012342