Is Childhood Obesity related to Mental and Physical Illness?

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  • Is Childhood Obesity related to Mental and Physical Illness?

In India, childhood obesity is currently on the rise. India has the world’s second-highest obese children, after China, at 14.4 million. Their prevalence has increased to 35-40% in private schools serving upper-class families, indicating a growing trend.

Childhood Obesity Causes

An unbalanced ratio of calories ingested to energy expended is the root cause of childhood obesity. Indians are genetically more likely to be overweight. However, environmental factors account for a significant portion of the sudden rise in childhood obesity. Economic success causes people to switch from eating traditional cuisine to ‘modern’ diets high in fat and sugar. Urbanization causes sedentary behavior to rise and physical activity to fall.

Effects on health

Obesity in children has adverse health effects. Obese children are more likely to have high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, heart diseases, stroke, gallbladder disease, respiratory issues, emotional difficulties, and malignancies. Try increasing your diet of fruits & vegetables and cutting on TV time.

Mental torment

Being overweight as a child is a mental torment that many people take into adulthood in the form of self-harm, anxiety and despair. Adults and kids are ready to point out your flaws when you’re a fat kid. Adipose tissue isn’t the only thing being criticized – you are also.

If you’re the parent of an overweight child, it’s crucial to accept responsibility and provide your child with the support and encouragement they need to lose weight by doing the following:

  • Consider the advantages: Concentrating on the good things is crucial. Children and adults who are obese endure bias and shame.
  • Boost your activities: Children frequently find it challenging and embarrassing to participate in team sports and other school activities. Encourage your youngster to walk, ride a bike, or even participate in a dancing video on the internet with you at home.
  • The snacks must end: To discourage kids ‘stealing’ snacks, parents must also avoid eating them. No matter how thin they appear, everyone in your household should avoid eating junk food and snacks. Replace them with fruit. Your child’s health must come first.
  • Victory off the scale: The numbers on the scales have virtually little bearing on your efforts to maintain a healthy weight. It will help if you focus on things like eating a healthy diet and exercising more.

There are several reasons a child may start being overweight, but by assisting them in reaching a healthy weight, you will enhance their long-term physical and emotional well-being.

Call us at +91-62320 12342 if you have any questions concerning the health effects of juvenile obesity.